Easier targets with AffOrmationen the glass is half empty or half full, it is. Only a small change of perspective, can be in the daily life of great importance. Indeed, negative thoughts can encourage the failure. So it is not surprising that healthy, happy and successful people are invariably optimists. A leading source for info: […]
Posts Tagged ‘education & career’
Netiquette DOs and DONTs in Web 2.0 – this sucks! The new lecture by Jens Schluter (social networks & co.) Much is written about Netiquette on the Internet. No matter whether eEtiquette or the etiquette for online media. Unfortunately, this Advisor with the rapid development in Web 2.0 can match. What is still frowned upon, […]
Together with the Netviewer AG Seminarboerse.de one of the largest education portals of in Germany, seminar providers (teachers), now offers the possibility to test online training free. Time – and location-independent learning and teaching methods are becoming increasingly important in the future. Therefore vendors who have currently only presence seminars in the program, should consider […]
If you so you’d better want to spend your life with things or people, you have fun, you should keep the personal and professional life of unnecessary searches. Say the fight the chaos and invest some time in this Clean up. It will pay off and you will have your pleasure. Proceed with according to […]
Just for contact centers, where staff answer technical questions here particularly rapid access to new developments, arise the almato GmbH recommends the integration and permanent implementation of quality monitoring and coaching, there. Occasionally, training not sufficient to keep employees informed. Coaching is the best way to successfully lead staff and to assist in their development. […]
Community colleges offer a smarter way of the United States studies a profound study, without losing the own home leave to: so-called community colleges offer this in the United States “.” Her name stems from the fact that the students come mainly from the local environment and they do the internships which are incurred while […]
After the one-week compact course can sales professional (IHK) certify participants as ‘Sales professional (IHK)’ “offers a new certificate course, supported by the economic consulting firm Schmitt and partner, Wurzburg, the IHK Wurzburg is said.” In the five-day compact seminar, the knowledge and skill is mediated sellers in indoor and field that you need for […]
Sustainability as a competitive requirement, tool to optimize performance and a guarantee for zukunftsorientirertes economies. 20.6 22.06.2011 in Berlin certificate course to qualify as a sustainability Manager * basics of corporate sustainability * sustainability in the value chain * system sustainability sustainability is today not only guiding principle, but already critical competition requirement, to claims […]
Course ‘Specialist for occupational health management (IHK)’ for the first time in Saarland from 9-12 September 2010 the new IHK certificate training course found specialist for occupational health management (IHK) “for the first time held in Saarbrucken, Germany.” The course provides the skills required to build up a systematic operational health management in a company […]
Training trends 2013: More and more and faster Wettenberg, 15 January 2013 – recent polls show: recruiters increasingly use online training opportunities. Stefan Urke, Managing Director of the Institute of continuing education forward academy, is in the interview his estimates of the trend-setting trends for the coming years. Learn today and 20 years ago what […]