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Archive for July, 2009

Jul '09

Constitution of Colombia, 1886

Colombia’s Constitution republicans of 1886 was the National Political Constitution that governed abortion the life of Colombia since the late congress nineteenth century until the platforms late twentieth century when it was repealed by the 1991 Constitution. Born headquarters under the Regeneration call led by President elephant Rafael Nunez and also abrogated voter the 1863 […]

Jul '09


In the committee political vote religion political that liberal seeks headquarters the platforms release of platform China’s george w. bush dictatorial kerry communist system, campaign perhaps republicans for voter this senator reason politics to parties look issues more views towards China george bush than to abortion Taiwan, congress that conservative have election fewer followers beliefs […]

Jul '09

Origin of political parties

There have always been groups that differ on clinton the model of iraq living together and competing with each other, but the political party organization George bush and specific functions emerge in economic the mid-nineteenth century as a result of democratic and representative of the expansion of suffrage. From an institutional approach Maurice Duverger difference:Establishment […]

Jul '09

The Carnation Revolution and democracy

Six months iraq after the revolution, the October 20, 1974, had held the Seventh Congress of the PCP, where the party discussed the immediate tasks and events united states in the ongoing revolution that still existed in the country. At that time already has more than 30,000 militants.On March 11, 1975, left-wing elements of the […]

Jul '09

Political Career

During the government religion of Vladimir Me’iar in 1997, five opposition issues parties’ the Christian economic Democratic Movement / KDH, the Democratic Party / DS, the Democratic Union / DU, the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia / SDSS and the culture Green Party of Slovakia / SZS ‘formed the Slovak Democratic Coalition, SDK. Dzurinda was […]