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Posts Tagged ‘Attractions’

Aug '19

Russia ATV

So Some owners of ATV use all the tools, as well as a network to find people with similar interests, revolving around an excellent outdoor recreation. So there are whole clubs that bring people together with similar Regards. As a result, each necessarily big or small city in Russia already listed owner of the club […]

May '19

Traveling Venice

Venice is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The city looks like a kind of fairy tale. Built around hundreds of small marshy islands linked by a huge number of channels, Venice has an area of only 8 square kilometers. But, nevertheless, the streets of Venice with its churches and elegant […]

Dec '18

Russian New Year

Pretty soon the New Year! It is time to reflect on the question "Where in the New Year?". Despite the fact that until December 31, not quite a lot, not all still do not know where they will be in this festival. But most likely, some will go to relatives or friends, while others remain […]

Jul '14

Manjavsky Stone

And then, without pausing for a moment, the river rushes merrily on, as if God himself Waters, playing over and over again makes a mischievous jumping in front of enthusiastic audiences. Only after a while you spellbound breathtaking spectacle will find that the canyon is very cold, because there is so rarely looks the sun. […]

May '13

Bavaria – Land Of Digital Technology, And Beer

To the east of the Black Forest, for the Swabian Alps mountain range is one of the largest states in Germany – Bavaria. Separated by mountains from the industrial areas, Bavaria has remained independent, an independent kingdom until 1918 Center Bavaria – Danube valley – rich black soil, completely plowed and sown with wheat, barley. […]