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Archive for May, 2014

May '14


This term, pluriatividade comes sufficiently being argued for the theoreticians and researchers in the present time; according to author, the expansion of the pluriatividade gave itself in the decade of 1970 with the increasing diversification of the sources of income of the agricultural units of production, the author analyzes pluriatividade as being a form of […]

May '14

The Big E-plus Quiz:

Demonstrate knowledge and win prizes worth a total of about 30,000. Who knows the correct answers? Up to 01.04 it is the great E-Plus to prove knowledge quiz: who knows around the topic of mobile, has the chance on one 10 Samsung Galaxy S3 or one of 30 daily billing adjustments in the value of […]

May '14


call, which already have at a young age under long-lasting pain to suffer. Many of you no longer go to school, withdraw more and more and are ultimately depressed. Only if the pain under control, those affected can attend regularly the school”, says Boris Zernikow (Chief Physician of the German children’s pain Center in dates). […]

May '14

Federal Government

The Federal Government is fighting a battle against malnutrition, as well as against eating disorders treatment options against eating disorders over the health ministries of the countries for years. Both have reached an alarming level in the last twenty years. Almost every second young person not healthy eats and in adults it looks not much […]