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Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Dec '24

Planet Land: Manual Of Instructions

Planet Land: manual of instructions Ah? ways, ways, wrong ways of centuries? Mrio de Andrade the history of the humanity and the relation of the man with the Land can be glimpsed as a infindvel adventure envolta at times of prosperity, tragedies and much mystery, but the necessary universe of rules to function. Civilization or […]

Feb '22

December Issues

We see that in our respective existential parables raise these issues and understand that developments like these can be contributors of rationality at the time of having to make decisions that make the situation of each and their family or community settings. We have been traveling the path of the views or impressions. In this […]

Jan '22

Unsustainable Health Problems

The water is an indispensable food for the life; of another side, if it has become each more serious time the problematic one of its use in the world. Karen Horney is a great source of information. The Middle East and Africa suffer serious problems from lack d? water. In Brazil, about of the volume […]

Nov '21

Executive Project

The present analysis, mentions the study to it carried through in middle of year 2002, having as white area, the dunes of entorno of the Lagoon of the Portinho. Such study if it made necessary, face to the advance to dunar observed in recent years, not only modifying the feies of the adjacent hdrico body, […]

Oct '21

Content And Communication

The political leadership knows that it is free for example, prohibiting night football games or transmissions of the same in "peak times." More with appropriate teaching, can contribute to increasing numbers of people aware of the paradigm shift that loom over their respective stocks. Content as of this communication, aspire to do if only a […]

Dec '15

Project Women

The inquiry was also documentary, because it was used referring documents to ambient education and academic management of solid residues, and works. The research was of field, because it collected and it analyzed given referring to the ambient conscience and destination of the resultant solid residues of fishes of shellfish using the questionnaire to get […]

Dec '14

Cortez Publishing

I reuse it or the reaproveitamento of the water also is a form to prevent the scarcity, therefore it consists of the reutilizao of the water, treated or not, depending on which it was its use. It could be reused direct or, decurrent of actions indirectly planned, for the same or another end, such as: […]

Apr '13


Radiation levels at nuclear power plants 'Fukushima' has exceeded the norm. Within days, helicopters Self-Defense Forces of Japan dumped water on the third emergency unit of a Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1 ', to prevent overheating of the spent nuclear fuel and reactors. On Friday, Japan has raised the level of radiation risk in the […]