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Dec '14

Cortez Publishing

I reuse it or the reaproveitamento of the water also is a form to prevent the scarcity, therefore it consists of the reutilizao of the water, treated or not, depending on which it was its use. It could be reused direct or, decurrent of actions indirectly planned, for the same or another end, such as: use in some activity human being, unloaded of form planned in the superficial or underground water bodies, used in the industry or irrigation, laudering of streets, in industrial processes as cooling of machines and laudering of parts. The Federal law n 9433 of 1977, was known as the laws of waters. This law instituted the Brazilian politics of hdricos resources, disciplines the use of waters, by means of a decentralized and participativo model. Problem: How to acquire knowledge the people who the scarcity of the water is a real fact? Objectives: – To place to the disposal of the society information on the scarcity of the water. – To inform what it is scarcity of the water will be able to provoke future.

– To acquire knowledge on the rational use of the water. – Because the scarcity of the water is a problem of all. – To show that the subject ‘ ‘ scarcity of gua’ ‘ it is not a modismo and yes, a reality. Method: Bibliographical research.

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