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Posts Tagged ‘administration and businesses’

Jan '22

Africa Panicum

It was improved in Australia taken for General Ingls Petrie, who possua farms in that country, of came there to Brazil. Characteristics: growth in touceiras with 1,5 – 1,7 m of height, being lesser of what the colonio. It presents colmos and fine leves with yellowish green coloration, the inflorescncia is similar of the colonio, […]

Dec '18

Concept Culture

The necessary culture to be lined up together with other aspects of the decisions and action of the organization, as planning, organization, direction and control (CHIAVENATO 2005). Thus the organizacional culture is a set of habits and beliefs, established through norms, values, attitudes and expectations shared for all the members of the organization. The culture […]

May '14


This term, pluriatividade comes sufficiently being argued for the theoreticians and researchers in the present time; according to author, the expansion of the pluriatividade gave itself in the decade of 1970 with the increasing diversification of the sources of income of the agricultural units of production, the author analyzes pluriatividade as being a form of […]

Mar '14

Electricity Demonstration

Only, in 2007, the DRU deviated R$ 38,6 of the Budget of the Social security, as given of the Secretariat of the Nacional.5 Treasure These resources they would have to be destined to the actions of providence, health and social assistance, and could extend the relative rights to these social politics, but they had finished […]

Jun '12

Commercial Banks

It will happen positively on the aggregate demand. Instruments: Reduction of the obligatory collect: the Central banking diminishes the values that take in safekeeping of the commercial banks, making possible an increase of the multiplying effect, and the liquidity of the economy as a whole. Financial assistance of Liquidity: the Central banking, when loaning money […]