Radiation levels at nuclear power plants 'Fukushima' has exceeded the norm. Within days, helicopters Self-Defense Forces of Japan dumped water on the third emergency unit of a Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1 ', to prevent overheating of the spent nuclear fuel and reactors. On Friday, Japan has raised the level of radiation risk in the nuclear power plant emergency "Fukushima-1 'to five points on seven-point scale. On Sunday, Secretary General of the Government of Japan Yukio Edano said that the NPP Fukushima, injured in an earthquake on March 11 will be closed. Experts note that a wind from the NPP accident in Japan in the coming week, until about March 25, will blow into the Pacific Ocean and to the U.S., particularly in Alaska. It is predicted that in the near future radiation plume will reach the United States. Meanwhile, in some parts of Japan fixed excess radioactivity. In the area of the Japanese city Kitaibaraki radiation levels exceeded the norm by 300 times and 15.8 microsieverts per hour.
In Saitama Prefecture, part of the Greater Tokyo conglomerate, fixed level of radiation, which is 40 times higher than normal. Radionuclides of Fukushima are already in the food in Japan. Elevated levels of radiation have spinach in Ibaraki Prefecture and milk from Fukushima Prefecture, with farm, located 30 kilometers from the crash accident. Recall that in the area of Honshu, the largest island of the Japanese archipelago, March 11, was one of the most powerful country in the history of earthquakes with a magnitude of 9.0.
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