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Mar '14

Electricity Demonstration

Only, in 2007, the DRU deviated R$ 38,6 of the Budget of the Social security, as given of the Secretariat of the Nacional.5 Treasure These resources they would have to be destined to the actions of providence, health and social assistance, and could extend the relative rights to these social politics, but they had finished composing the primary surplus. The reform tax loses chance to extinguish the DRU, therefore it does not have more reason of its existence, after consecutive overcomings of goals of primary surplus. The collection of the taxes in Brazil According to survey made in the article of Elvira Lobato and published in the Periodical Folha and So Paulo, in 25.12.2004, is possible to evidence the excessive collection of the tax burden, in comparison with some countries, on the services, in the sector of telephony of the country, considered until then the greater of the world. Brazil – 40.1% 62.9%? Argentina – 21%? France – 19.6%? England – 17.5%? Portugal – 17%? Venezuela – 16.5%? Germany – 16%? Spain – 16%? Mexico – 15%? South Africa – 14%? Australia – 10%? Korea – 10%? U.S.A. – 10%? Canada – 7% Tax burden: the limitante greater of investments in agreement Brazil demonstrates to the study of the World Bank, described in article of Marcelo Sheep, published in the Magazine Sees n 1874 of 6 of October of 2004, presents given of surveys next to 1.642 companies on the reasons that limit the investments of the companies in Brazil.

Presented as the order of limitantes factors. 84.5% – Load tax? 75.9% – Uncertainty how much to the governmental politics? 71.7% – Credit? 67.2% – Corruption? 52.2% – Crime? 39.6% – Lack of qualification of the workmanship hand? 32.8% – Inefficiency of justice? 20.3% – Electricity Demonstration of the tax burden on the final price of some products Incidence of taxes on some products, as survey published in the article of Maria Fineto and Marcelo de Oliveira and divulged in the periodical Popular Post office of 1 of August of 2004, in the p B-2. One notices that this survey comes to demonstrate the urgent necessity for the Country to make to fulfill for the Brazilian society what it compels the described constitutional principle in its article 150 paragraph 5 that establishes that ‘ ‘ the law will determine measured so that the consumers are clarified concerning the taxes that happen on merchandises and servios’ ‘ , if this law was fulfilled with exactness all the Brazilian society would have the clarity on the taxes inlaid in the goods and services that consume, however, already it makes 20 years that the National Congress not yet defined on the subject for this law is fulfilled. The table below, prepared for the Nucleus of the Young Entrepreneurs of Joinville, shows the situation of the taxes inlaid in the diverse products.

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