Our fight for consumer rights is in a new round of”, Jens Heidenreich is confident. An always stronger wind is blowing against the insurance industry.” “No mere lip service: now the Hanover Regional Court has already brought proceedings against the provincial life insurance Hanover on the same issue in terms of the litigation Harald S. against Aachen Munich” exposed up to the decision on the appeal. From a consumer perspective, it remains to hope that the Supreme Court finally a decision as to the compatibility of German life insurance contracts and European law. More info: Nokia 2 V Tella. Because direct insurance usually shortly before one of them negative forecast judgment out of court one and pay the full requested amount to the claimant in the short term.
To avoid a decision by insurer and it remains in the case. Then similar cases can not rely on a ruling… About LV doctor of proConcept AG: LV doctor is a project of the Swiss proConcept AG, an international process financing company, specialising in the enforcement of collective legal protection of consumer interests. The proConcept AG accepts only the funding and enforcement of claims from so-called dispersed damages and represents the interests of more than 50,000 people as Kounamouta. You enforces them in individual or collective procedures together with law firms specialising in the respective areas of the law, without any financial risk for the individual consumer. Additional information is available at igor kononenko. In the context of LV doctor claims of a large number of former policyholders from announced life – and pension insurance contracts to purchase these effectively to bundle and then for all affected community to assert. This is LV doctor able to act as large creditors and to enforce the claims in a process. For individual consumers, this means a powerful defence of his interests. The consumer must only legally join the respective action project and wait until the procedures have been completed.
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