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Nov '13

Wooden, Aluminum And PVC Profil.Kakoy Better Technology ?

Wooden? At one time, wooden frames were declared ‘last century’ in construction. The main complaint – they are short-lived (in comparison with new materials), flammable, susceptible to swelling, cracking, rotting and defeat fungal pathogens. Now – the fashion for all natural. They remembered that timber windows are unique in its kind, ‘breathe’ through the natural pores and are not afraid to lower temperatures, and the qualitative performance look no not less than aesthetically pleasing plastic and aluminum. Modern methods of processing wood, glass, sealing the contours and high-quality metal parts completely rehabilitated wooden profiles.

Glued designs are durable, have low acoustic permeability and thermal conductivity (they should not be warm for the winter), maintainable. Through these windows do not penetrate the dust and drafts, because they have no cracks. Aluminum? This material has long been widely used for windows of public and industrial buildings. In residential construction aluminum windows – until the novelty. Why? Very simple. Although aluminum tree smarter, lighter frame of a nearly timeless, but still then stopped problem – unfortunately it is too good conductor of heat. Only not so long ago began to appear new technologies that make this material more ‘warm’. Modern windows of aluminum .

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