Paula Begoun now four popular products, as well as an absolute ‘ newcomer for you tested. The summer is coming to an end. Now, she needs not only an extra care skin by Sun and salt – or Chlorwassergestresste. It needs daily active ingredients, dieihr first wrinkles help to fight and to preserve as your healthy rays. At the same time must-have a good day care no matter to what time of year the skin against harmful UVA and UVBStrahlungschutzen. To find out which day care meets these criteria, PaulBegoun has now four popular products, as well as an absolute ‘ newcomer for you tested. ImGegensatz bestsellers by Garnier or the newbie cuts by the way, amazing gutab Weleda.
Read the surprising results here. Garnier ultra lift day (5.99 for 50 ml) average: this day cream differs little from other Garnier creams: also it is mostly from water, silicones, glycerin, vegetable oils, thickeners, waxes undKonservierungsstoffen. None of these “Ingredients has a smoothing or softening wrinkles Wirkung.Der name ultra lift” is more than misleading. Because this cream is anything other than a ultraliftendeInnovation”. Rather, the abundantly used fragrances irritate the skin – what can accelerate even more in the remaining ends of skin aging process. In addition, this Tagespflegekeinen contains SPF. Here, a sunscreen under the cream must in addition aufgetragenwerden.
“The only positive of this cream is the effective ingredient of retinyl linoleate”. However, sichGarnier has decided on a pot instead of a tube. This means: this Inhaltsstoffverfluchtigt is after opening just as quickly as the vitamins from a glass of fresh gepresstenOrangensaft. “The cream gets from Paula Begoun therefore only an average”. Moisturizer (11.95 for 30 ml) smoothing Weleda wild rose flawed: the moisturizer from Weleda has the skin except jojoba and peach oil not good to offer much. On closer inspection turns out to the cream as a true Troublemaker”.
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