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May '09

United States Government (1898’1914)

The 45-star flag used by the U.S. during the invasion of Puerto Rico, was also the official flag of Puerto Rico from 1899 to 1908.
Following the ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Puerto Rico remains under U.S. military control. This situation resulted in significant changes: the name of the island was changed to Porto Rico (seriously changed back to Puerto Rico in 1932) and the currency was changed from the Puerto Rican peso to the U.S. dollar.
Andalusia Jose Marti founded the Cuban Revolutionary Party, included among the objectives of fostering and support the independence of Puerto Rico from Spanish domination. The separatist movement has persisted even after the establishment of the current political status and the Puerto Rican Independence Party still holds a place in the Puerto Rican political. (About 4 of the electorate)
In 1944, Luis Mu oz Mar n won the first democratic elections in the history of Puerto Rico, thanks to a federal law that allowed the territories to choose a governor and in 1952, helped Puerto Rico to rename the island to “State Puerto Rico to the United States. Although the laws in Puerto Rico are parallel with the United States, Puerto Rico has its own Olympic team. The most senior politician in Puerto Rico is a governor who is subject to the president of the United States.
On October 30 1950, nationalists led the Grito de Jayuya, an insurrection against the U.S. government in Puerto Rico in Puerto Rico in various locations mainly in the town of Jayuya. United States declared martial law in Puerto Rico Jayuya and sent the National Guard. The town of Jayuya was attacked by air by bombers and ground artillery. Although the village was destroyed, preventing the spread of news of this military action outside of Puerto Rico. The main nationalist party leaders were arrested, among them Pedro Albizu Campos and Blanca Canales, and sentenced to long prison terms.
For many, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created by a constitutional assembly and ratified in 1952 as a government is a colony. The political debate even after 50 years of the creation of the commonwealth, on the options of a permanent status or independence, the Free Associated State with the highest total sovereignty or annexation to the U.S. There have been three plebiscites after the creation of the commonwealth: 1967, 1993 and 1998 but have not been approved by the U.S. and only served to measure the popularity of each option without a serious commitment from the federal government. In the three plebiscites ELA option has prevailed, but in the last two referendums have not achieved an absolute majority.
In 2003 the then Governor Sila Calderon, in his speech of July 25, the proposed constituent assembly as a means to resolve the political status after the year 2004. Currently there is a movement to make Puerto Rico the island republic in a partner. A report issued by the White House’s own voice declares that the U.S. government called “free associated state” is a colony.
In March 2003, the U.S. Navy leaving the island municipality of Vieques, where it had a military base for over 60 years, after which a civilian died in 1999 due to a bomb thrown by error in an observation post within the perimeter of the military base. This causes death in the spring of 2000 more than 20,000 people protested against the continuance of the military base and demanded the departure of the U.S. Navy the island of Vieques, while in areas of the military base was built camps which include civil disobedience camps in the Puerto Rican Independence Party, the Catholic Church and other groups, in direct challenge to the Navy. In November 2004, took out the general election. In these the winner was for governor Anibal Acevedo Vila of the PopularDemocratic Party. In November 2008 general election took place. In these the winner for governor Luis Fortu o was by the New Progressive Party.
On September 23, 2005, the day that commemorates 138 anniversary of Grito de Lares, a true federal intervention in the municipality of Hormigueros. Federal authorities (FBI) discovered the illegal residence of a fugitive independence leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios. During this intervention is on an exchange of gunfire between Ojeda and the staff, which ended with the death of revolutionary. We know very few details about the operation. Have been protests and accusations raised by the independent sector to what they call a “political assassination”.

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