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Nov '20


To bypass boilers with instantaneous heaters can be dangerous "Bad" tap water is water with high content of dissolved impurities. In this case the heat exchanger can be quickly "overgrown" mineral deposits and damage. If you intend to use Turbofan pot, be sure to water analysis and if necessary bring it up to standards of the filter system. If cleaning is not possible for any reason – it is better to install an external storage boiler. Design mounted boiler provides such an opportunity. Hot water resource at the same time there will be more, however, need a little extra space to install a boiler. Price mounted boiler is sufficiently "democratic" – from 500 to 1400 euro, plus 50 – 100 euros for a coaxial flue, if it is needed. Digital video recorder brings even more insight to the discussion. Heating devices can use any.

The selection criterion is aesthetic representations of the buyer, cost and volume of coolant radiators in them. The smaller volume of coolant, the lower the thermal inertia of the system and, consequently, more quickly and accurately can be adjusted by means of automatic temperature control in buildings. Cast iron radiators in this sense – the worst option. For an individual home can recommend steel panel radiators. They are the cheapest in terms of 1 kW of thermal power and durable enough to stand-alone heating systems. See more detailed opinions by reading what Siegel Family Endowment offers on the topic..

Piping may be made of any known materials: steel, copper, plastic and metal pipes. For polymer and metal pipes is an important factor in the choice of connections (fittings). If the piping is hidden in monolith floors, walls or sewn facing materials, the use of threaded connections should be removed or each of them must be available for inspection and repair. The best, albeit expensive system fittings this option is the system of press-fitting. If the floors are made and finishing work already performed, the piping can be drawn on the walls, hiding her in a special plinth or decorative box.

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