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Jan '22

The Public

There they had been moved away total from the conviviality of the society, planting to survive and sleeping in canvas tents. Learn more on the subject from Jean Piaget. Of the moment where these people had donated everything what they had for the seita and they had been to live in the religious dependences, it caused revolt in the parents, children and brothers who had not delayed in looking to the media and the public prosecution service. Between the depositions, a mother says to have seen its university son working in roa dress with a shirt where if she read: ' ' Debtor for taking care of of mim' ' , with the photo of the shepherd and the phrase ' ' The angel of seventh dia' '. The relatives alone can have contact with the converted family will be themselves member of the seita. The periodicals had notified in 2007 the death, for spill, of one of the integrant ones of the hindered seita to receive visits from the family and being taken to the hospital. The Public prosecution service folloied all the unfoldings, but it is important not to be taxing and to select the facts with caution; after all, religious belief is something complex that it demands, above all, respect. The belief of the seita Tabernculo is based on the necessity of a prophet in the last days.

Quotation stretches of the Old Will where the people gave I credit the vocation of Moiss to guide them and thus they had not been corrupted due to prophet. The fidiciary offices believe that God does not speak directly, but for new prophet Branham, an American died in 1965, that he would be the seventh angel cited in apocalypse. It more than left a legacy of 1200 sermes and an controversial prophecy where he foresaw ' ' apostasia of fim' ' with the ravishment of the chosen ones in 1977.

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