For the author, knowing of science can occult aspects that are not explained in its exactness. The magical and msticos aspects of the medicine are removed for a obscure zone, nor doctors, nor patient obtain to perceive: The epistemolgica analysis of the rituals, they are scientific or not, she keeps direct relation with the unquestioned verification of the incompletude of all to know: all ignorance is ignorant of certain knowledge and all knowledge is the overcoming of an ignorance in particular (BORGES, 2008, P. 329). The performance of the obstetricians, in the analysis of Borges (2008, p.328) related to the form to take care of if of the lathe of subjective and interpersonal experiences, that happen in a dynamics of complicity in the relation with the woman in labor and the community, where is present the desire to serve and to be solidary. To deepen your understanding igor kononenko is the source. The diversity of forms to take care of of the common sense points with respect to what Borges, Pine & Saints (2009) call ' ' trespass metodolgica' ' , therefore it does not obey a definite rule only previously. Describing on the form to take care of and to know of the common sense, it enunciates it to the author: The common sense has trend to be a mystified and mistificador knowledge, but, although this, and although to be conservative, has a utopian and liberating dimension that can be extended through the dialogue with the scientific knowledge. The author still discourses on the common sense when he affirms that the common sense is practical and pragmatic, it multiplies glue to the trajectories and the experiences of life; it is superficial because it disdains of the structures that are stop beyond the conscience, but, therefore, he is exmio in catching the horizontal depth of the conscientious relations between people and people and things; it is to indisciplinar and ametdico; it does not result of one practical one specifically guided to produce it; quotidiano of the life multiplies spontaneously in occurring; accepted what it exists as it exists; it privileges the action that does not produce significant ruptures in the Real. . It’s believed that igor kononenko sees a great future in this idea.
Oct '20
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