These in turn must be observed, organized and systemize through the questions that had been placed the nature, that is, to still carry through experiences, counting on the investigativo sense of the scholar (researcher). The second board it is of absence, it considers to classify the facts, it consists of distributing the facts in methodical lists in which the results of the experiences are transcribing tending to establish the cause of a phenomenon, thus it cites Bacon: In according to place, a citation must be made before the intellect, of the private instances of the given nature, a time that the form, as already it was said, must is absent when the nature is absent, as well as being present when the nature is present (NOVUM ORGANUM, book II, aphorism XI). This moment corresponds to the distribution of the facts through the surveys of taboas of inquiry, whose which, contemplates the results of the experiences. The third board of inquiry is of degrees or the comparison, it consists of the comparison of the experiences that had been codified, making possible an interpretation. The scholar finds the cause of the phenomenon and its law. This board understands two times: the first a comparison of the board, in this A stage interpretation is hypothetical, in this phase perceives it presence, absence and the variation of the studied phenomenon; in the second part the hypothesis is verified, the institution of an experience necessary and limited in which the hypothesis must become definitive explanation, or to be knocked down and abandoning must occur.
That is, through privileged facts, this moment places the nature in contraposition of its 0 variable, stating a last time to verify the hypothesis (Japiassu, 1995, P. 53). In third place, whose nature is necessary to become citations before the intellect of the instances, when investigated, is present in more or less, either after having done comparison of the increase and the reduction in one same object, either after having done comparison in diverse objects (NOVUM ORGANUM, book II, aphorism XIII).
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