Many argue that the Brazilian privatizadores did not have option. Or they made thus, or they would not have fact, tangling itself in a paralisante confusion of interests. E, when running away from the shock with the involved interests and opting to the way of lesser resistance, the government errou and created a nanico and weak sector, that only escaped of being denationalized because the interest of great the petrochemical multinationals for the Brazilian market virtually disappeared from the second half of the decade of 90. If the question will be simplria, for example, if the privatized, siderurgical, petrochemical companies, or of any other sectors, had been better after privatized of what in the gone ones of the 80 of the passed century, when groups politicians divided the power, they commanded competitions, they benefited to individuals and enterprise groups ' ' cupinxas' ' they divided land into parcels quotas of exportation (as in the siderurgical ones in the end of the decade of 80), the reply, without hesitation has that to be that yes, it is clearly that they had been. This is not argued. Only that this is not the certain question.
The real question would have that to be: it gave to make better? the reply is there: yes, all siderurgical and the petrochemical ones could have very been better. The sectors petrochemical and siderurgical Brazilians had points in common and points very you go off. In common, the conviviality of private companies national and foreign, and state. In both, Brazilian groups competed ' ' wood pau' ' with foreigners. In siderurgy, they fought between itself, in the petrochemical one, the system tripartite of alliances produced by Geisel, represented a solution to keep the sector in national hands, but it generated a deformed enterprise structure that finished for bringing, in the long stated period, more difficulties of what solutions. .
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