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Dec '18

The Culture Concept

The workmanship originally the chapter resenhado here, was written by Roque de Barros Laraia, studious on culture diverse ones, also the aboriginals. The beginning of its career was given in the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, being that in 1969 it directed the Institute of Sciences Human beings of the University of Brasilia. Doctor for the University of So Paulo, carried through research of field between the indians Surui, Akuawa-Asurini, Kamayur and Urub-Kaapor, what he gave support to it to write on the subject, in view of its familiarity with diverse cultures, beyond the boarding of varied antropolgicos subjects in its performance as professor of the UnB. In the first chapter of the cited workmanship already, called ‘ ‘ Of the nature of the culture or the nature to cultura’ ‘ , the author deals with questions related to the biological determinismo, geographic determinismo, historical antecedents of the culture concept, the development of the culture concept, modern idea on the origin of the culture and theories on the culture. Continue to learn more with: Secretary of Agriculture. 1 biological Determinismo According to author, for much time had it idea that the capacities human beings were attributed by races or human groups defined genetically.

However, in the present time the anthropologists are total vain of whom the genetic differences are not determinative of the cultural classrooms. In 1950, after the nazista terror, anthropologists, physicists, geneticistas, biologists, specialists together with UNESCO had among others written a declaration on the subject, being distinguished the following affirmations: The factors that had had a preponderant paper in the evolution of the man are its capacity to learn and its plasticity. Moreover, the scientific research discloses that the level of the mental aptitudes is almost the same in all the ethnic groups. For the author, it has two factors that they differentiate the species human being, being they it Sexual Dimorfismo – in which the only difference that we have is an anatomical difference in contraposition to the idea of that this difference if of the one for the reproductive device -, as well as the Endoculturao, that consists inside of a bred culture of the society, where the differentiation between boy and girl if of not for hormones, but in result of a differentiated education.

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