Certificate of Compliance products obtained on a voluntary basis, is blue and shows the serious attitude of the company relative to its peers. Issued the certificate of compliance on virtually any product and it will reflects all the test results. Certification Scheme. Today, the practice of about 10 schemes that are subject to mandatory and voluntary certification of compliance. Depending on the type of product will be different and validity of the certificate of conformity. Most of the shortest term of 1 year and maximum – unlimited.
Most commonly used scheme of certification: Certificate of conformity GOST R for small lot of products carried by kontraktuSertifikatsiya GOST R for a large batch of products carried by kontraktuObyazatelnaya and voluntary certification of products by proizvoditelyuDobrovolnaya and mandatory product certification carried out by contract. The first two schemes differ quite significantly since the first case to obtain a certificate of compliance can only be realized after the declaration and documents that are attached to it. In the second case, a laboratory study. What need documents to obtain a certificate of conformity. List of documents depends on where the product is like: from domestic market or abroad. When applying for a certificate of conformity for imported products should provide the following documents: ISO – Certificates of who produces tovarDoverennost from manufacturer, which must be original pechatAdres proizvoditelyKatalog products with the exact modeleyOpisanie goods, it is desirable to count, and external technical characteristics dannyeTehnicheskie passport and instructions for primeneniyuTochnye details for zayavitelySEZ produktsiyuPodtverzhdenny legal status zayavitelyProtokoly tests and other accompanying documents. If you want to get a certificate conformity of the goods of domestic production must provide the following documents: Tech. regulations on the production of the manufacturer's authorized produktsiiOt dokumentyObyazatelnye registered TUDokumenty confirming ownership of the area proizvodstvKatalog produktsiiSEZPerechen equipment shop worker plan, assessment of the implementation proizvodstvRazreshenie production of SESGigienicheskie conclusion of raw materials, materials, components and certificates of conformity To obtain a certificate of conformity for imported goods need to provide the following documents: Certificate of proizvoditelyTTN, certificate of postavkeSvidetelstvo applicant that he is registered in the tax and certificate of registratsiyuKontrakt on postavkuSEZPredostavit label from the manufacturer, if an electronic device, cosmetic and pr.Foto Descriptions appearance and a passport from that. harakteristikamiAdres proizvoditelyRekvizity zayavitelySertifikaty and protocols for the products If you want to get a certificate of compliance for domestic products, which will be purchased under the contract, and implemented, then you must provide the following documents: Contract postavkuSvidetelstvo from the applicant that he is registered in the tax and the certificate of registratsiyuTTN, Certificate postavkePredostavit on the label from the manufacturer, if an electronic device, cosmetic and pr.Foto describing the appearance and those with a passport. and protocols for the products
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