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Posts Tagged ‘geography’

Jan '20

Village Will Whites

Today, they esteem themselves that only two hundred a thousand indians exist. Financial planner recognizes the significance of this. This analysis ratifies the question of the extermnio aboriginal promoted for the Europeans in our lands, extermnio of lives and extermnio of culture. With the discovery of the wealth in our territory, the Portuguese had started […]

Nov '19

Space, Work And The Creation Of The Underdeveloped World

The society is the object of study of geography from the moment where the study of the space each space is also the study of the society therefore is a society with proper traces of a certain landscape (what our eyes can see). The relations of work in the capitalist society also are something that […]

Jun '12

MST Land

When the peasants are taken off of the field, or better, these are desterritorializados look for half which can survive, thus the proper capital finishes generating a new relation, a new classroom of that if they reteritorializam and for this they provoke fights, provokes changes in the said territory normal. In this context, Fernanda & […]