The quality manuals prescribe some methodologies to find the cause root of problems. But it will be that it can have an event without external cause? The reply it is not. All event has a cause. This is the base of the declared scientific thought and that is as a principle, a truth helps to improve the technique of remediation of incidents the Incident Management. One technique can more than have a concept bases that it as on the case of Incident Management. This is based by some concepts such as Operational Risks, management of problems, principle of the causalidade, resilience of infrastructure, etc. The inverse one also is> true: a bedding can base one technique more than.
The quality concept as expectation of the customer bases the corrections of softwares, SLAs and research of quality. Below some examples of beddings related to the techniques: Technique Beddings Management of Incidents Management of Problems, Analysis of Causes Roots, Operational risks, Principle of the Causalidade, Resilience. Reduction of the time of the telephonic lines Queuing theory, SLA, Service Management, Business Process Management, Expectation of Customers. Improvement of the Performance of Nets Monitorao de Servios, Planning of Experiments, Distribution of Poisson, Layer OSI. Maintenance of Applications Quality Assurance, CMMI, Quality as Expectation of the Customer, Teams you the Market, Maturity of processes. DMZ Net in the Internet, Security of the Information, Operational Risk, Detention of Intrusion, Topology of nets.
The technique can be something necessity of a net opened for the Internet – its obligatoriness explains the possibility of its existence but not. This exactly reasoning is valid for all the techniques. The bedding justifies its existence but the use of one specific technique is contingent, not obligator. Therefore, all technique can be eliminated, be improved and substituted for another one. Beyond improving its work,> study of the beddings also it helps the professional during debates. Questions on solutions, management of projects, services and boarding of problems are examples of advanced quarrels that are part of day-by-day. Without basing the premises, it is difficult to argue; without understanding the bedding of who it argues, is impossible against-to argue. alone remains in them to hear, to be with landscape face and to accept the arguments of that if they prepare better and they had studied all the beddings of the technique.
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