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Dec '13

Rey Tourist Destination

Introduction The changes at the enterprise level are linked to the strategy, culture and management. That is why the company to have a proper competitive level should be more flexible designs and processes, rejecting the rigidity, adapt their products to customer demands. It must also improve the distribution of goods and services streamline service communication mechanisms, achieving efficiency in productivity, reduce costs and cope with changes in structure, high quality produce, and provide competitive prices. As a response to the situation created by the demands of the new business environment, there have been the “new management” procedures developed to optimize use of resources to achieve a goal, within them we can mention the cost objective as a new pillar to emerge in the economy. The “target cost” (cost target) as a need for the situation in regard to prices, which are set by the market, requiring longer in service design to estimate the cost thereof from the behavior of their price and profits to be achieved. A diagnostic method based on analysis of documents in the hotel entities (economic reports and findings from research work carried out) and in consultation with the industry specialist (method empirical), revealed that there is a procedure for calculating the target cost of package tours, this being necessary and invaluable tool for achieving greater profitability and efficiency in those facilities in the tourism sector. The fundamental contradiction is that the target cost being a tool for strategic management of costs, their calculation is not performed in any known hotel installation of Jardines del Rey Tourist Destination. .

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