Thus we see being excused the universalizante treatment of ' ' RELIGIO' ' this that drift of the Latin term ' ' Reverse speed; ' , that it means ' ' religao' ' with the holy ghost. That for definition engloba necessarily any form of mstico and religious aspect, that has as characteristic basic a Metaphysical content, that is, of beyond the physical world. We will still find in literature on religiosidade the inerncia of the human being to this, what minimum it does not obey no justificativo criterion of this affirmation, mainly to be overcome as example that affirmations in this direction observe only the positioning of a supposed auto-declarvel majority of that practicing of religion and they disrespect the people who do not declare religiosidade, and that still part of these declarations is divergent of the lived reality and that the proper situation of having that to declare the religiosidade they impose interviewed when interviewed, since part of these giving is gotten by sampling the condition of constaint inside of a society historically marked by its religious bonds. Taking in account this literature we can to initially conclude that the concept of religious universality is defective and its proper definition of religion inside adjusts the most diverse situations and many times classifying faith and belief of one same concept. However we cannot disdain that this as phenomenon if it imposed, as we will be able to observe that it has left significant of the human movements had had the religion as impelling, diverse wars, had had religious legitimation, social structures had been defined on the basis of religions and great part of the scientific knowledge, ' ' filosfico' ' artistic the religious groups had had as vectors, that during most of the history of the recent humanity had been tied with the power social politician and. .
Aug '20
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