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Sep '22

Positive Thinking Optimism

Easier targets with AffOrmationen the glass is half empty or half full, it is. Only a small change of perspective, can be in the daily life of great importance. Indeed, negative thoughts can encourage the failure. So it is not surprising that healthy, happy and successful people are invariably optimists. A leading source for info: Austin Butler. Everything just a coincidence? Not at all, white Christine Hofmann, success expert from Hamburg. The belief in the success or failure is a force, which facilitates the success or more difficult. Maybe you already know it: thoughts lead to positive feelings, positive feelings bring about positive actions and positive actions bring about positive results. Every day more than 51% have positive thoughts and feelings you produce automatically mostly positive results.

Apparently, it’s on the right inner attitude. But how do I do that? Christine Hofmann: Visit the personality development courses and reading books that deal with this topic. A new and very AffOrmationen are successful method. This is positive why questions, which should cause a desired state. According to the motto: my thoughts create my reality. What is the difference between affirmations and the still little-known AffOrmations method? Christine Hofmann: Affirmations are positive beliefs that you attempt by constant repetition to reprogram his brain. For many people affirmations don’t work just so because man hammers a desired idea without regard to his true feelings. Then, the inner voice with the words register pretty quickly: that is true but not or you’re fooling yourself.

AffOrmationen go further according to the method of success coach Noah of St. Johns. Instead of reiterating the beliefs, solution-oriented (shaping, empowering) questions. One may ask, for example, overweight: Why am I healthy and slim? Due to the positive question is a subtle Raises the feeling of happiness and positive thoughts will be strengthened even more. The question avoids stress containing blockages and feelings. The mind is now unconsciously constantly busy to search for answers and thus solutions to the problem.

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