During the government religion of Vladimir Me’iar in 1997, five opposition issues parties’ the Christian economic Democratic Movement / KDH, the Democratic Party / DS, the Democratic Union / DU, the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia / SDSS and the culture Green Party of Slovakia / SZS ‘formed the Slovak Democratic Coalition, SDK. Dzurinda was appointed spokesman for the coalition, and later, on July united states 4, 1998, its secretary general.
Dzurinda became prime minister government of political Slovakia for the congress first time bush in October clinton 1998 vote after the opposition coalition led education SDK, and after disputing the government Vladimir Me’iar at the polls.
In January 2000 the ruling coalition was restructured with policy the creation of the Christian Democratic Union of Slovakia SDKU. In internal party elections in March 2002, Dzurinda was George bush confirmed as leader, in the 2002 general elections. election In that election was re-elected as Prime Minister, forming the government until 2004 with SMK, KDH and iraq the ANO.
In the general election of 2006 was the second SDKU, with just over 18 percent of the vote, behind the Direction – Social Democracy (Smer – Soci lna demokracia, race SMER). The resignation to form a new rightist coalition, with support from the military party of Vladimir Me’iar, the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia, was appointed Prime Minister leftist Robert Fico, leader of SMER.
Mikula ‘Dzurinda is an Honorary Member of the International cnn Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Presidents media with Prime Ministers: Do Direct Elections Matter? by Margit Tavits (Hardcover – Jan 15, 2009)
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