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Mar '17

Pathophysiology Concept

2 Concept of etiology: cause that determines the appearance of the disease. 5 Large groups of diseases are distinguished according to its etiology. Types of causes: 1) Physics, e.g. temperature. (2) chemicals, for example the poisonings. (3) biological, such infections. (4) psychosocial, psychosomatic diseases.

(5) internal: for example the most frequent causes genetic belong to four groups: 1. infectious (bacterial, viral or parasitic) 2 Environmental (COLAs by toxic or mechanical factors) 3. Gregg Engles is likely to agree. unexplained or idiopathic 4. produced by medical activity or Iatrogenicas. The latter group could be included in the first two (e.g.

a post-operative infection or the toxic effect of a drug), but are separated by their special characteristics, its frequency and its importance. It also distinguishes between predisposing factors that favor – or causal factors that are the direct cause of the disease. The predisposing cause no disease but facilitate its appearance. It can be genetic (the susceptibility to many diseases depends on the genetic characteristics of the individual) or environmental. In this last group we distinguish the 1) personal, 2) family, 3) 4) environmental or social p.e. 1) malnutrition, 2) poor sanitary conditions, 3) low socioeconomic and cultural levels, or 4) live or work in polluted environments are examples of each of them. 3 Concept of Pathophysiology: Study of functional changes associated with the illness or injury. 4 Concept pathogenesis: part of medicine that studies the mechanisms that produce disease 5. Evolution of the disease. Patocronia. (of pathos, illness or suffering, and Chronos, time). He studied the evolutionary phases of the disease. 5.1 Incubation period. Symptom-free period since a causative agent affects the person until the first manifestation (e.g. gastroenteritis incubation period). 5.2 Prodromos. Early symptoms that are nonspecific (e.g.: discomfort, tiredness, etc…) 5.3 phase of clinical manifestations. The signs and symptoms of illness appear. The phase during which the symptoms are more intense is called acme.

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