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Dec '13


Preferably in the middle of a hike in some beautiful place, to arrange a day's rest or poludnevku, ie long camp, which will be good to relax and enjoy nature or explore local attractions. Of course, all accommodations must be in any reservoirs or water sources. It is also desirable to provide that and lunch halts were near the water. If this is not possible, you have to carry enough water with them. Participants. Need to find those most like- who will be interested in this route and who agree to go along. In the practice of sport tourism group should consist of no less than 4 people, and usually not more than 12.

Of course, we're talking about amateur hikes which do not pass protect the shuttle-qualifying commissions and do not necessarily have to adhere to these requirements. Just be aware that such restrictions are well founded. Psychologists believe that the ideal number of participants in the group – 7. This amount is enough to not have to be bored, and not too large for the group to split into small groups start that almost always occurs when the number of participants over 10. Therefore, if the dialed number of participants more than 10-12, it is advisable to make two groups at once, which will run in parallel, intersecting or colliding routes. Bicycles.

So much so, as they say, a no-brainer. But Yet some nerd says: No, not everything is clear. It is advisable to bikes in the group were more homogeneous as possible.

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