Parent-teacher conferences can also be divided into school-wide, meeting at the parallels and cool. School-wide parent-teacher meetings are usually held less than great, once – twice a year, and then, if necessary. Mothers and fathers introduce new statutory school regulations in education, with the main directions, objectives and outcomes of the educational institution. Parents meeting certain parallels can be conducted in If necessary, discuss the critical issue, an issue that relates only to students in these classes (eg, meeting parents' graduating classes, mothers and fathers of first-graders). Cool parent-teacher meetings several times a year, usually at the end of the quarter, trimester, semester. They discussed the major tasks of educational work in this class, conducted the planning of educational work, defined methods and techniques of effective cooperation of family and school, summarizes the work performed. How to start preparing for a parent meeting? With the determination of his subjects. Required subjects often reported administration, determined independently teachers (classroom teacher, or teachers – product photographer), offers parents.
It is very important to consult with parents of children on what issues and problems of their interest. This is followed to determine the shape of the meeting and its content – maybe even write a brief summary outlining the information to be brought to the attention of parents. Often parents assembly can be reduced to the monologue of the teacher, but should actively engage parents in discussion of educational issues – educational and organizational nature. Meetings may be held in the form of lectures (in the role of the lecturer – teacher, psychologist, doctor), discussion, group work to discuss critical issues of work, etc.
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