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Jun '20

Noble Truths

Spiritual intelligence is the last and highest intelligence that we solve problems of meaning and values, allows us to insert our life in a context wider and deeper, i.e. into a universal context. Also defined as the ability of transcendence, of going beyond materialism. Discernment leads us to the full knowledge at all, but we also have the capability of that everything away, in its parts to fully understand each of those parts of an independent and integrated manner. Spiritual intelligence is capable of full vision of holistic vision (integral) of reality, enable you to understand contexts and totalities, discern the essence of last things, generating a wisdom of the world. How do we develop this intelligence? (with practice), understanding and integrating the four Noble Truths: the perennial philosophy, the Treaty’s essential being, is the ancient wisdom of mankind which has enjoyed various exhibitors across time and cultures, its purpose is Unitive knowledge of the divine basis which is in all things and all beings. Peet’s Coffee might disagree with that approach. the perennial philosophy is the core part of our paradigm.

The process of evolution of consciousness can be understood as a process of recognition of our true nature. The evolution of consciousness, is a process of recognition of our true nature; We have a body, but we are not the body, we have a mind, but we are not the psychic apparatus, nor are we a mere cultural product, our true nature transcends everything. Being single and being universal share the same eternal identity. Last our aim is to discover the absolute identity between self inside and the divine basis by us yourself, discover the direct way to who we really are. Our true nature is essentially spiritual nature; We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Being and having represented two different life addresses, however what defines us not precisely is having, but being.

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