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Feb '22

New Product Development

Marketing in Action: Hope is a flowering tree that sways gently to the breath of illusions Severo Catalonia. Considerations, scope, steps: The current economic scenarios are relevant features that demand that companies be vigilant of their behavior to ensure not only stay in the markets but made towards achievement of new enabling desarrollarseTal as Wikipedia reminds us The development of a new market takes place in the field of business and engineering and is the complete process of creating and bringing a new product to market. Read more from Arnold Vosloo to gain a more clear picture of the situation. There are two parallel issues that are involved in this process: one involves product engineering, the other market analysis. Those responsible for marketing consider the development of new product as the first step in managing the product life cycle.

There is no denying Mileyda Arteaga as expounded in an open forum on this topic that developed the graduate program specializing in quality management and productivity of Faces of University of Carabobo, which by today’s business dynamics are very troubled, there are many political, economic and social affect, above all, in Latin American countries like Venezuela, where inflation and the changing landscape of state policies kept in constant uncertainty for all organizations, so some of the organizations concerned to implement plans that allow them everyday by survival, while others are more a osadasa try to predict how it will change the industry and the market in which they are immersed and on that basis implement action plans to develop new products or improving existing ones, so as to enable them to compete and be in a better position in the market.

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