Keep in mind that the alignment is not only a task of coupled processes, people, systems and technology with the vision and strategies of the Organization, but essentially, first and foremost, is a process of harmonizing, perceptions, feelings and beliefs. Alignment is the process of developing organizational congruence, worth say, create a balance between the needs of people and the needs of the Organization, in such a way that people feel that it has established a relationship win – win; Thus workers are securing and identify with the Organization and are linked to natural working teams, aimed at the achievement of the goals. People, then are linked, responsible, committed and make up a culture from us, rather than a culture of me or you. The leader not only management the technology, systems, and processes of work (production, sales, finance, etc.); management, fundamentally, human, vale said, needs, feelings, expectations, desires, personal interactions, processes of development and training of people. That is the battle for human in firms, beyond bureaucratic structures; that’s the human side of management, because as says Thomas Teal: manage does not consist in a series of mechanical tasks but rather on a set of human interactions. Because there are needs in organizations, there are feelings, there are frustrations, there are conflicts, there are postures found. Do not pay attention to these elements is to deny a reality that is there. Says Manuel Barroso: A leader has to have time for himself and for his own, for the content and processes, for the needs and everything that has to do with educating: tutorear, guide, support and above all making development a reality. Now, when there is no alignment the energy (time, attention, and resources) are prosecuted in different directions and the focus is lost. When the team is not aligned there is energy dispersion, there is waste of resources, there rework, there is waste, there is lack of motivation, there is a high staff turnover, there are dysfunctional conflicts, there are problems of work ethic; These are symptoms that something isn’t aligned between workers and organization.
Oct '13
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