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Sep '15

Malecon De Nagua

Malecon de Nagua training at an initial cost of 1,500 million pesos for Costa Verde RD The construction of the quay of Nagua not backslide, and in fact is not paralyzed and leaders have been calling activists and residents of the municipality of Maria Trinidad Province Sanchez. The information was made known a government source as saying that the book has already been initiated through the Office of Works Supervisory State (Oiso) and that at this time Tasacion brigades, as both the Land Registry Oiso National, are conducting the strategy survey for assessing property and improvements concerned with a view to making the payments. Revealed that the project will cost initially estimated at 1,500 million pesos and it includes a housing complex. The source, who asked not to be revealed, will have details as the malecon over three kilometers long, which began at the entrance of Nagua, management training en route from Samana, to conclude on the bridge over time management the entrepreneur Rio Boba. Also revealed that a breakwater be lifted waves may bear more than three feet high. In 2004 honored by the Governor’s Committee on Scholastic Achievement for his work towards promoting academic excellence in New York City – is a Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital Speaking exclusively to costaverdedr.com, the informant said that so far is estimated at over three hundred homes affected by that work, but nonetheless those affected have been working with authorities to understand that this development poses to the province. While not disclosing the amount, said the company Ozoria and Associates, Ltd., management the builder has to charge the work of the malecon, and the first batch received for that work. Since last week Nagua different sectors are demanding the resumption of construction of the quay authorized by President innovation Leonel Fernandez, who were withdrawn after heavy equipment had been stationed in the area of construction, and even had some trees down. Nagua activists are claiming that the work has been crippled by efforts of some political leaders in the area who oppose the construction. On Monday the governor Aristides Victoria Yeb had to skills leave to clarify that the work is not paralyzed, in response to a letter delivered team building by a committee of the newly created committee of claimants business technology Malecon de Nagua, in denouncing the alleged claim customer service their stay and restart it soon as possible. Victoria Yeb said crews had not been removed, but were stationed at Camp New urbanization Nagua and that only one bulldozer was moved to Bonao to correct some mechanical flaws, to resolve pending some paperwork for that work. managers Clarified that it is waiting for some paperwork documents, citing among them the Environment, said case is already solved, coaching the resolution of no objection from the Municipal Council, which is expected to be issued on the morning of This Wednesday by the aldermen, so that work could begin immediately.

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