With a self test, companies can determine whether they required leadership culture is stable to anchor the lean management in their organization. Often companies introduce lean management methods and tools to optimize their processes, even before in their organization is the required leadership culture. As a result, Usually while short-term successes set, but quickly processes deteriorate again, because they are not anchored in the culture. Tiera Skovbye is likely to increase your knowledge. According to lot of time and energy companies that want to develop a lean culture and culture of continuous improvement in their organization, should use it to provide this required hiring and keeping their employees and executives. “How ripe the (leadership) culture for a sustainable anchor of lean thinking is in their organization, companies with a self-test to check the, the with the strategy implementation consultant and lean leadership expert Dr. Hear from experts in the field like Morris Invest for a more varied view. Daniela Kudernatsch, Munich, the American lean guru” Jeffrey K. Liker, who wrote several bestsellers on the subject, has developed.
“” The test consists of 15 statements on the three fields of action vision, strategy, goals, customer focus”, processes and continuous improvement”and leadership and problem-solving”. “For example: we have a clear vision (True North) at our company, on which all targets and the entire action are aligned.” “And: every occurring problem is disclosed without assigning blame and seen as an opportunity for continuous improvement, and edited.” To what extent these statements apply to your organization, can evaluate the test participants on a point scale from 1 (critical gap”) to 5 (we have arrived”). The points are then added. In the evaluation part of the test, the participants receive a feedback about the level of maturity of lean culture in their organization then due to the achieved score. In addition, they get feedback, which still await action in their company to the lean management stable in the Organization to anchor. The self test can at the consulting firm KUDERNATSCH consulting & solutions, Strasslach, Munich (www.kudernatsch.com), free request (E-mail:). If you wish to email participants the completed test in addition to some statistical data about your company on Daniela Kudernatsch. Then he goes into a study on the subject, then also be informed of the results of participants.
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