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Oct '19

Government Clients

The budget of the Government destined to subsidize to the purchase of vehicles by means of the Plan 2000E is being run out. At the moment but of 80% of this budget or the number of sales has been consumed, and or it jeopardize and agreed with the clients on the part of the marks, overflow 20% rest, reason why the new clients who have decided to benefit now from the plan is going, it to have quite difficult at the moment, and will have to wait for a time to know the decision the Government, if finally these aid is prorogued or no. We can affirm that the aid of the Plan 2000E has fulfilled their objective, that was the one to stimulate the sale of polluting new vehicles and the less, but this objective would not have of being temporary, and it is afraid that the sector it returns to fall to the difficult situation that presented/displayed at the beginning of the 2009.

At the moment many sales have had to paralyze, and other so many have been in the air, in the hope that it communicates officially if it is going away to increase the budget and to prolong its duration. Also there is a great number of indignant clients, since there are made the decision to change of car, solely and thanks to the existence of the discounts that provides the Plan 2000E; and that at the moment has denied the request to them to be able to take refuge in these incentives; reason why they will hope generally to take leave of its old woman vehicles, and they will not realise the purchase unless they return to have so good conditions. Another one of the disadvantages, that have been cause of the annoyance and impotence of the clients, is that the aid of the Plan 2000E cannot be solicitd when the client signs the transaction contract, but when the vehicles are registered; and since the delivery of the same usually is delayed, sometimes too much, this has caused that many clients remain if their advantage, still being it solicitd when still it was budget, and in spite of taking a certain time hoping. Original author and source of the article..

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