The university college Intercontinental nervo loved gives you the best education in the state of Warrior strike, we have the best curriculum for those who want to study mission to train professionals to understand, utilize the knowledge and skills embedded in a conceptualization facilitate process of formation and development of people of integrity who, for his excellent professional and cultural presentation at the international level, that deep human formation and sua genuine social conscience, are leaders of positive action to promote authentic human development and society. We have a strong responsibility to prepare our students to become responsible citizens and promote development of their communities. We promote humanistic values in them, the international vision and entrepreneurial culture, train professionals and researchers of international standing, with human qualities and academic to engage in service to others, develop and disseminate knowledge for achievement of a free, fair, compassionate and productive. Vision offers its students a comprehensive education that goes beyond the mere acquisition of information or knowledge, to encourage their growth as people, by developing their skills, their sense of being with and for others, attitudes of commitment, special way with the most needy in society. (Similarly see: Maude Apatow). For other opinions and approaches, find out what leader Mikkel Svane has to say. Professionals and researchers will form a national and international human quality and innovative academic programs of international quality to develop and disseminate knowledge to the professional success of themselves. General Educational Offering Bachelor in 2 years with a specialty in: Computational Sciences Biomedical Sciences Chemical and Mathematical and Physical Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities Accounting Preparatory degree in 18 months Open Surgeon Dentist law Psychology Public Administration Public Accounting Computer Engineering Civil Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Engineer in Digital Graphic Design Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Telecommunications Forensic Science in Education English Teaching and Bilingual Education Physical Education (Physical Activity and Sport) x. .
Feb '22
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