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May '13

Forum Madrid Franchise

At the end of April, the epicenter of the experience in franchise will be cued in ExpoFranquicia 2010, one of the most prestigious and recognized in the panorama of the franchise in Spain. It is mundoFranquicia consulting has not hesitated to bring together a wide selection of experts, professionals and entrepreneurs that more and better can talk about the forum topic called undertake in franchise so things, whose La franchise in figures 2009 – report consultant posted 823 franchisers already consolidated, 84.4% of national origin (695 chains) and the remaining 15.6% from other countries they operate in our country (128 networks) has prepared an interesting program of interventions, which will be the best testimony both franchisees and franchisors. With them we want the public and entrepreneurs attending the fair this year to know and bet on a sector that last year 19,635 billion euros and has given employment to 222.660 people. A figure that represents approximately 9% of the turnover of trade retailer in our country, says Pablo Gutierrez, consulting Director of mundoFranquicia consulting. As also informs us Gutierrez, this year the Forum Madrid franchise presents the novelty of an attractive cycle of lectures, in which a selection of renowned franchisors and different sectors of activity will present their experiences and the way they are tackling the current crisis situation that our economy is going through.

Undoubtedly a unique opportunity so that employers know first-hand as manages a chain of franchise in difficult times like these, adds the Director of mundoFranquicia. The Agenda of the sessions of the Forum is the following: take franchise Forum Madrid franchise 2010 roundtables Matchday. Thursday, April 22, 2010 10.15 h. Inauguration. 10.30 h. Debate. Table opening.

The franchise in the Decade of the 10. Moderator. Liberal professionals. Juan Carlos Martin, editor Chief participants. -Mrs. Almudena Diaz. Director of trade and services of the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid.

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