Shiito is the largest seller of sofas Granfort online through Internet many users have doubts about sofas Granfort skin types, in this article I reveal their secrets. Granfort always uses the best skins of cattle or buffalo, to achieve optimal your sofa a solidity and longevity. All skin is unique, every sofa skin is different and original. Our Granfort sofa can have two types of skins depending on its thickness. -Normal-thickness skin sofa: try a thick fur ranging from 0.9 1.1 mm, these can be used in any design sofa and sitting. -Thickness espesorada leather sofa: try a thick fur ranging from 1.2 1.4 mm.
Used only on very straight designs models, with roofs and not too surround seated. On the other hand our leather sofa can have several finishes, but in the case of the upholstery principals are:-aniline leather Sofas: is without doubt one of the coating materials of more soft sofas that exist in the world, but to achieve such softness doesn’t almost protection and is very delicate. Uniform colors on the couch are not achieved, each party absorbs the dyes in a way. The surface of the skin remains unchanged and stands out clearly, above all, good touch that has. -Beef leather sofas: the process of elaboration of these sofas is the most delicate of all, since they have to preserve the typical appearance of natural skin and at the same time achieve a durable and resistant material. -Pigmented or protected leather sofas: the pigmentation involves the application of color on the surface of the skin particles. Flower skin is covered with a stratum to make it resistant to light, abrasion and everyday use, in addition to greatly facilitate cleaning of sofa. Finally, to improve its appearance is printed with a particular engraving, grainy type in most of the houses.
For Internet users, it is a unique opportunity to acquire a few exclusive models Granfort. Shiito has an attention to the client conducted by experts in sofas, a delivery service designed for transporting such products and various forms of payment to facilitate the purchase of sofas. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Andi Potamkin, New York City. Poligono Industrial 902402540 Shiito Juncaril, plots 139 and 224. Albolote (Granada) Carlos Martos. Director Shiito. Original author and source of the article
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