In sight of the transformations and the significant advances occurrences in the last decade, also in the structure and functioning of the Education, we look for, by means of this work, to present the importance to teach a LE for the children of the series you initiate. This work also he considers that with the insertion of the English Language in this modality and with the support politician of our governing, he can confide vacant for competition, where the professionals of the course of Letters can act. He also aims at to the implantation accomplishes of the lessons of English with horria load of, at least two weekly hours, since for he disciplines of Art are dedicated two hours, since one hour is insufficient for the work with art, as well as also is for the development of the abilities of one second language. With vises for the future, believing that this resume elaborated for the formandos of Letters of 2010 either approved in the city council of Cornlio Procpio, we consider for the year subsequente the elaboration of a new project of extension come back to the elaboration of the didactic material that takes care of the necessities of this resume. Finally, to learn a LE in the initial series is not plus a question of necessity, however a right that cannot be denied no child, therefore when if it teaches a LE, in this in case that the English, in the initial series, above all values the abilities and abilities that the child develops throughout its pertaining to school life.
Nov '15
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