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Dec '19

Clinker Technologies

The word 'brick' is a foreign term, and translated from German means a very solid brick, which is produced from a mixture of special clays by firing to a high degree of sintering. With its unique combination of strength properties, it is used in vykladyvanii roads, building floors in industrial buildings, etc., that is there, where high wear resistance. Clinker is increasingly paying attention to create not only floors or staircases. The durability of this type of brick has got interest in it even in the construction and less critical installations. So now more and more manufacturers are trying to introduce such technologies and to other construction materials. The key to success in the market promotion of clinker steel technology achievements. In the early days of production, the bricks were made of conventional natural clay, which was subsequently the lowest quality raw materials. Made of her building materials were short-lived and have been heavily exposed to the environment.

The situation worsened low temperature annealing achieved in makeshift furnaces, temporary shelters. To read more click here: Sonny Perdue. Understanding the need to improve the annealing conditions has led to the invention, a ring-type furnaces. By the end of the XIX century the process of manufacturing of bricks has been greatly improved, designed and manufactured by drying, as well as a series of different types of presses. A series of accessories for kneading the clay, rolling, etc. Despite the emergence of machines that facilitate the manual labor level of automation of technological processes as a whole remained relatively weak until the mid XX century and the emergence of clinker technology capable of producing sverhiznosostoyky brick could not be considered. Further improving technologies annealing, pressing and sintering, which is still ongoing, led to a new level of development of technologies for building materials. To a large extent their existence Clinker is obliged to develop the mechanical and electronic devices. Learn more at this site: Craig Jelinek.

Under current conditions at each stage of the production of bricks, and especially of clinker, by strict control of quality of performance. Emphasis given to the preparation of raw materials, since it is its composition will continue to determine the quality of adhesion between particles in the final stage of annealing. Electronic control methods can achieve almost one hundred percent compliance of the bricks necessary. Especially in such techniques require clinker technology, for which the composition is a determining factor in shaping the strength properties. Achieved much success developers of automated furnaces for sintering, in which the temperature accuracy of the unit and, in some technologies and tenths of degrees Celsius. The initial charge was carried out in them through sequence of temperature ranges required for a firm grip of the particles in the clinker. It is software controlled and automated controls, including the stage of formation of the chemical composition clinker, yielded unique materials with high reliability characteristics. Modern age of nanotechnology has introduced many novelties in the area and brick production. This is facilitated by numerous basic research in the physical nature of the links in the source material. Many of them are aimed at improving relations framework in the sintering of particles. And maybe in the next decade we will witnessed the emergence of "nanoklinkera" more easily and much more durable.

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