– Lifting capacity Maxima reduced: Normally these elevators commercialized with the purpose of uses with vehicles most special nonsuperiors to 1.500Kg basic or 2.500Kg. This has created during many decades, that the factories limited as far as vehicles or loads of these, especially industrialists. We remember to have served elevating our new ones calling alerted to us by emergency necessity, because they had undergone cases with elevators with marks very recognized in commercialized Europe and Spain by the same marks and manufacturers with cases since to have a vehicle of type tourism with the maletero one on loaded and the elevator it did not have the sufficient force to elevate this. – Life limited as far as revisions: All the electrical elevators of endless screw, are put under a continuous effort and wears away in their distribution, this is made up of its endless screws next to pinions and chains. These undergo a premature wearing down, although it is reviewed or it maintained, and forces to have to replace all these parts leaving salaries the vehicle in a dangerous position. – These " mantenimientos" you were forced to go to the manufacturer, being solicitd his kit of repair, and this salaries reached prices very similar to the one of the new elevator. – Heights in its position minimum nonvalid for all the cars: This happens because the majority of these elevators, you dealt yourself or commercialize mounted the pinions and chains in the part inferior of this, so that these can work, had of being mounted on a metallic structure in the form of " H" or also called " H" , which normally raised to all the elevator a minimum of 5cm and of 8cm to 10cm. This did impossible to be able to take to vehicles very low, sport or vehicles normally modified of street. During a preparation, these vehicles moved to another elevator without more problem, but when it was an unexpected failure, going to the first factory with the purpose of to solve the problem, this it could not make nothing on the matter to raise your car in the elevator forcing or dejarte totally abandoned or that the factory, tried to lift cm firstly the car damaging the low ones with the help of ground cats and later running the arms of the elevator.
Feb '15
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