We feel vulnerable and objectified as interviewers examine our skills and experience. To validate our sense of personal competence, we must be seen as valuable and worthwhile. That is why we feel so good about ourselves when we are offered a position that we would not allow our dog to adopt, as an employee of a liquor store the night in a high crime neighborhood or cleaning crew in an abattoir (yes, people jobs). The important thing is that we wanted, what we have to offer has value to someone. This is also why we are so down on ourselves when not offered a position: the more you want the job, the most crushing is the sense of defeat when they do not understand. Everyone experiences rejection at some point in their lives, sometimes, just sometimes, sometimes, often, if it comes to finding a employment, the implementation of a promotion, to ask the date, proposing to a loved one, or trying to get out of a team.
Failure is part of our lives because we are naturally competitive, and not everyone can first place in the race to the wire. It is our mental generalizations that cause natural rejection to become overwhelming. If something is not as important to us, shrugging with a sour grapes response: I did not want to be in that stupid club anyway. When we are emotionally committed to a goal, failure becomes devastating. If it is rejected for a job will not lead to the initial shock of rejecting a marriage proposal, the destructiveness of job search is that rejection becomes a recurrent pattern.
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