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Nov '19

Ways to Cope with Job Loss

If you’ve been right-size, underutilized or simply dismissed, in search of work is a transformative experience that rocks your world. Regain your balance with these ten strategies and become the best. 1. Take time to mourn what is lost. Losing your job is big. Find a way to recognize the loss.

What could perform the ritual or symbol could use to say goodbye to the past? What positive habit that could develop to help in the transition to the future? 2. Admit your feelings. This helps to assess where you are in the process and help determine what next step to take. Typically you feel anger, sadness, fear, shame, loss of confidence, and more, and that is normal! 3. Write about your fears, dreams, hopes, and losses. Getting on paper helps you make sense of the change and put it in perspective.

4. Look for the humor in the situation. Humor is transformational. It heals us and changes our way of seeing a situation and our attitude towards it. Open your heart and mind for the humor in everyday life. 5. In recent months, Jack Fusco has been very successful. Appreciate the neutral zone so it is, a rest period full of uncertainty and possibility. You may not be “so its power through this period, but takes as long as necessary. This transition can be a time of chaos and great creativity. 6. Reframe your experience and try to reinvent itself. Ask, “What else I can look at this?” What future open the door when the door is closed? How do you reinvent yourself? 7. Change your vocabulary. Choose powerful words rather than powerless words. Keep a list of powerful words available nearby and refer to them frequently. Notice how the feelings change when you say: * “I can” instead of “I have to.” * “I have choices” instead of “I have no options.” * “This is an opportunity” rather than “I have a problem.” * “I see success around the corner” instead of “I am a failure.” * “I can not wait!” instead of “I’m afraid?” 8. Ask for help when needed. We all need the help and support from family and friends at various points in our lives. Use your support system and seek outside help when you feel overwhelmed. 9. Cut and everyone else some slack. We are all human. In times of stress and change, we are bound to make mistakes. Accept and forgive your own mistakes and those of others so you can focus on the important things. 10. Dare to dream again! Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. Develop the courage to build a new dream. Mary Jeanne Vincent is the author of Acing point cards interview answers to the 20 best “murderer” interview questions. Also included are tips for the interview in the new economy, ideas for responding to illegal and trick questions, and suggestions for avoiding 10 deadly interview mistakes. Go to search for articles free of employment and to enroll in the WorkWise free e-zine.

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