The handling is very simple: users enter the make and model of your vehicle in the GPS navigator and it offers a number of indications for an efficient driving: the march to be carried at all times, more speed optimum all in real time. In this way, you can achieve a more efficient way to drive suitable, personalized, achieving greater savings and security. With Econav can be reduced up to 30% fuel (estimated savings 500A, per year) and reduce C02 emissions by more than 1 tonne per year. It is therefore the first GPS Navigator 3X1: Econav + GPS + Navigator Timer radar and blackheads. Econav You can get savings of up to 500 euros a year caring for the environment. You have in your hand, all real-time information for efficient driving, more savings and more security for your own vehicle. GPS Navigator is a next-generation device with multiple functions: Lane Assistant, simulation tunnel mode, verbose output indicator panel, signage, pedestrian mode mating miss! Warning radar and blackheads with the new exclusive technology Vexia Radar will have the best way to avoid speeding fines. Vexia Econav have fixed speed cameras and black spots of Spain already installed and is completely FREE update on the official website. Vexia Radar technology provides alerts to the existence of fixed radars, exclusive offers Econav notice of the existence of the radar, only if they are on our way in the direction in which we are circulating. Furthermore, we show the radar speed limit and distance to it.
Feb '22
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