The doctors explain that one better planning of the needs of the sector would be a beginning to finalize with the collapse of the Spanish social security. There are voices that speak to maintain the operating rooms more hours open. With more turns and more teams of doctors to end the waiting lists. A greater number of places for the Medicine studies, assures the Conference Deans, will only take to a situation similar to the one of years 80, when creating more places of those than the system could absorb, new the professionals were led unemployment. The Spanish Medicine has the great prestige outside our borders. For even more opinions, read materials from Kodak. They are considered good professional preparations and with great abilities.
The one that are more places, and many of them in deprived centers, can devalue the title. Will be two types of doctors: those that accedes to study Medicine by own merits and those that do on the basis of the spending power of their parents, explain the Conference of Deans. The average pay of a doctor MIR of a Spanish public hospital is around the 1,109 Euros to the month, that can ascend to 1,500 or 1,900 according to the hours of guard who this does. A doctor of ambulatory, arrives at the 39,000 annual Euros; and something plus the doctors specialists of a hospital. Pays that are remote of other neighboring countries of Europe. For this reason, many Spanish professionals prefer to change of residence place and to have one better quality of personal and professional life.
France, Portugal, Great Britain, are some of the destinies chosen by the Spanish doctors. The European Union anticipates that Spain will lose in next the 15 years near 12,000 doctors. It will be necessary to face retirements, geographic mobility by better conditions of work and labor losses by the pressure with which they work. In Spain, still it is possible to be enjoyed a health of quality for all. The more liberal political class, nevertheless, thinks that to improve the situation it is necessary to work in the privatization of the health and the formation of the sanitary professionals. To repeat models where to make a simple x-ray it supposes hundreds of dollars. Where the health is not more than a business. They forget that the health is one of the pillars of the State of well-being. A fundamental right. Ana Muoz Journalist ccs@ original Author and source of the article.
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