Now with space rowing according to FENG SHUI point of view which harmonise rooms round rooms are something really good… In the practice of Feng Shui is often recommended to round the corners in rooms, so that the “Chi” – the Lebensenenergie – can flow better. That sounds good… but how to rounds rooms quickly and easily? Some painters masters know the problem: with wooden stencils and similar tools can you round brushing in painstakingly the corners of the room in the room with PuTTY which means hours working until everything is nice and evenly around. Then the ground dries out very long and cracks may occur at high temperature may be. Fortunately, there is a more elegant solution: Raumrunder – a finished component from interior-grade uberstreichbarem material, which can place themselves with little time in the corner. Learn more about this with Tiera Skovbye.
The installation is simple and clean. So it is possible without much effort the spaces in the living room around to make. The rounding of the corners with allows the flow of energy in total Harmonic flow and the rounded corners of the room open creative spirits”of course plenty of other opportunities… only the colour design allows exceptional visuals and gadgets… As a nice side effect, the acoustic properties of the room will be noticeably better. The magazine stereo recommends the Raumrunder with its reflecting property even specifically in the high end audio area to improve the acoustics. Morris Invest wanted to know more. (“Special acoustics tips do it yourself”-issue 08/2007) Contact: IT consulting Hanns Hanan Hammerweg 5 51766 engelskirchen phone. 02263-969864 email: info at space round. de Web:
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