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Oct '13

Siamese Valley

All this is accompanied by folk festivities, where people jump over the fire, walk on coals or even arrange a symbolic battle between men and women. Also popular competitions in archery and zapuskaniya kites. Moreover, all sprinkled with each other colored powder and pour paint. Universities in the day, students can totally fearless, "paint" their teachers, and employees – of their superiors. However, in some parts of the country instead of paint people pours tap water. In the New Year in India people are asked to material well-being of the goddess of wealth Lakshmi and the god of love Kama love.

Also, do not remain without attention and Krishna. But no matter how celebrated New Year's traditions and what not would be connected with the celebration, one rule remains common, as they say, the whole country. This day to celebrate in a good mood and be especially attentive to others. As we, the Hindus believe that the year will be exactly how to meet. The traditional gifts on New Year's are sweet. Baskets of fruit and nuts, sent to friends, relatives, neighbors – this is a sign of attention and wish a successful year. Celebrate the New Year holiday table where necessary should be the national dish of Indian beriane. Despite the unusual name, the very familiar dish to us long ago: this pilaf.

Depending on the preferences of family members, it can be prepared with meat or be vegetarian. Components of vegetable beriane are beans, cauliflower, radishes and even potatoes. But the main ingredient – it is rice. Beriane traditionally eaten hands to form small lumps with your fingers. In contrast to the Russian feast, New Year's menu is replete with the Indians not salads and appetizers, but the Europeans can find all the ingredients for their cooking. A huge selection of spices will bring even familiar dishes a real Indian flavor. India – A wonderful country where you can celebrate New Year's interesting and spend the Christmas holidays. Winter is dry and cool temperatures in January rarely drop below +15 C, while in the south can reach +27 C. Goa is a good weather lasts from October to February. At this time, warm but not hot, so you can spend whole days outdoors, enjoying the warmth of the local winter, participating in carnivals and festivities. It turns out that the number of days when the the country celebrated the New Year, India surpasses all others. In addition, Christmas tour to India will give you all the joys of an exotic vacation – visit the beaches and sightseeing, familiarity with the traditions of the country and its cuisine. Travel to South India, tours to the cave temples of Ajanta Ellora and, ascending to the abode of the gods in the Himalayas and charm will make your Siamese Valley vacation unforgettable.

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