Human intervention is effective only on condition that the entity relates to things as to their property, ie as his when he can they possess, use and control, showing initiative in their business "5. Resolve this apparent contradiction between the recognition of land common property of mankind, bestowed upon him from above, and the foundation of any business activities under this unthinkable without regard to the land as our own, possibly only in conditions of the communal-tribal organization, or ideologically cohesive population of the municipality. Under these conditions exercise tight control over the use of land for its intended purpose, and violation of the rights and interests of other people do not even supposed to, and if they do occur, then intercepted on the vine. If you would like to know more then you should visit Maisie Richardson-Sellers. At the present stage of regulation land tenure and focused more on property relations. At the same right in this process takes the forefront. System of sources of land law is headed by the Russian Constitution. By virtue of Part 2 of Art.
9 Constitution of the Russian land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of property. Citizens and their associations have the right to have land as private property (part 1 of article. 36). Everyone has the right have property, possess, use and dispose of them, either alone or jointly with other persons (Part 2 of Art. 35). It should be emphasized that the right of citizens to have land in private ownership, as well as other constitutional rights and freedoms is directly applicable, determines, along with other rights and freedoms of the meaning, content and application of laws, the legislative and executive authorities, local self-government and ensured justice (Article 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
One of the basic guarantees of citizens' constitutional right to land is to ensure that all citizens of the Russian Federation to get land land ownership. However, ownership is not identical to the right to own land. If the first subjective right is manifested in the possibility of directly possess, use and dispose of land, the latter speaks only of the potential for acquisition of land ownership. In this regard, this right has nothing to do with a specific title. On the potential obtain land can speak and when you purchase it on other titles in addition to the property. Description of all available in the current legislation the mechanisms of such an acquisition is contained in our course of study. . 1 . 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which determines that the policy of the Russian Federation aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and free development rights. Maxim References: 1. Two letters to the pa Stolypin / Tolstoy sheet. 1996. 8. 2. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels. Collected Works. 2 nd ed. T. 25. Part ii. S. 337. 3. av Guterts. Stolypin's reform and land surveyor, aa Kofod: Documents, correspondence, memoirs. M., 2003. C. 28. 4. an Koptsev. Servitudes in Roman law and contemporary Russian law / notary. 2006. 2. 5. Fundamentals of general and legal psychology: A textbook for schools / M.I Enikeev. M., 1996. Article may be freely hosted on other Internet resources only on condition of attribution and a link to the source:
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