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Dec '12

Roman Empire Family

more, ‘ ‘ through the submission of muleque, its friend of toys and expressivamente call take-collisions, only initiated many veze white boy in the physical love. Almost that of muleque take-collisions if can say that played young Mr. enters the great families escravocratas of Brazil the same functions of the patient who in the patrician organization of the Roman Empire the pubescent slave chosen for friend of the boy aristocrat: species of victim, at the same time that camrada of toys, where if they exerted ‘ ‘ premiers lans gnsiques’ ‘ of the son-famlia.’ ‘ (FREYRE, 1981: 122). The family is the power Mr. on the slave, of the husband on the woman, the father on the son, the son on the moleque-take-collisions.

Enxerga also a patriarcal inheritance to add it the escravista model. But the familiar union also possesss its mritos, at least with respect to valuation of that they are inserted in it, arriving at the top with the reproduction of the nepotism, what it would lead a posteriori to a estamental crystallization. The force in the cultivation system is the slave, thus being able to explain because he was optimum fed, therefore was productive force, in second plain in relation the feeding we have the Mr.-of-device that it is the force of the control and in third instance released the beggary the ones that if found between these two extremities, thus if prostituindo and degrading themselves in search of its survival, pointing out that it does not only mean that the two first ones if fed well (therefore in the cultivation the land alone produces an item, arriving the point of if passing hunger with a land that it can be cultivated, conditioning the ground the culture of only a product), they were fed better in relation to third. Perhaps this miscelnia is fruit what it calls Gilbert Freyre of ‘ ‘ people indefinido’ ‘. Being able to be this the great definition or indefinio, exactly the trend the adaptability. The family is the concretion of the escravistas relations, acting as organizacional nucleus and even though politician of the colony, being sedimented force so that even though in determined moments he confronts the religion.

After all of accounts if the Mr.-of-device to desire to be religious institutes the cult in the great house with its exuberant chapels (under its direct supervision), and the slave makes ‘ ‘ miscegenation mtica’ ‘ of its said cult heathen, becoming the dogma more ‘ ‘ suave’ ‘ , if not forgetting the strong maometana influence African them and the insertion of the amerindian culture, therefore the conception of colony and family is amalgam of ‘ ‘ black, indian and europeu’ ‘. The colonial society passed for a process of familiarization, probably bigger of what of ‘ ‘ civilization or sifilizao’ ‘ as she pointed out Gilbert Freyre, therefore the family is the spring master in the politics escravista, also the social one in the relations of the individuals and economic in the use of the slave. One concludes that family is the mirror of the Brazilian settling.

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