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Jul '19

Relationship Interview

The interviews had been recorded and transcribing in the complete one. It fits to stand out that before the collection of the data a test was applied pilot in a nurse who is part of the sample. It is of extreme importance to apply the test pilot, therefore it is when the instrument that will be used is evaluated, verifying the clarity of this and if it is necessary to modify it (COLOSIMO and HUDSON, 2002). The interview pilot was made with the nurse head, which was receptive, she more took the interviewers to a room reserved to start the interview. Source: Sonny Perdue. During the application of the interview pilot one evidenced some factors to be improved and clarified in the instrument. The last question, by request of the interviewed one, was modified for better understanding.

Also, one perceived that some questions did not take care of to the objectives of the research. In such a way, the considered alterations had been carried through all necessary. Later, it was turned to talk it with the same nurse to complement the data of the interview, being these used in related research. 3,5 Analysis of the data the data had been analyzed in accordance with the content analysis. This technique allows to find answers for the formulated questions and also to know the contents latent (GOMES, 1994).

It was considered in the content analysis the categories of Walton, pointed in the picture n. 2: CritriosIndicadores Evaluated 1.Compensao adjusted joust and: Justice in the compensation, internal and external equity. 2. Conditions of work: Reasonable hours of working, surrounding safe and healthful physicist and absence of insalubridade. 3. Use and development of capacities: Multiple autonomy and qualities. 4. Chance of growth and security: Possibility of career, personal, perspective growth of wage advance and security of job. social 5.Integrao in the organization: Relationship, mobility, absence of preconceptions and equality.

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